romance n. 1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说。 2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事。 3.传奇式的生活[世界、情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构。 4.【音乐】浪漫曲。 5.〔R-〕= R- language 罗曼(斯)语,拉丁系语言〔包括意大利语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、法兰西语、西班牙语等〕。 the romances about King Arthur 亚瑟王故事。 travel in search of romance 寻找奇遇的旅行。 adj. 〔R-〕拉丁系语言的。 vi. 1.讲[写]虚构故事。 2.吹牛;空想,妄想。 3.〔口语〕谈情说爱;追求异性。 vt. 〔口语〕和…恋爱;追求(异性)。
Eastwood will not be hurried , choosing a relaxed pace for the unfolding of this romance 斯斯文文的伊斯特伍德选择了一种轻松的方式来表达他的爱意。
The chinese title for this romance is " destiny " , which is fitting because it features maggie cheung man - yuk , leslie cheung , anita mui winner of the h . . 张曼玉和张国荣走入地铁,搭上不同列车,考验双方能否有缘在. .
The chinese title for this romance is " destiny " , which is fitting because it features maggie cheung man - yuk , leslie cheung , anita mui winner of the hong kong film best supporting actress award for her performance long beofe they became icons 张曼玉和张国荣走入地铁,搭上不同列车,考验双方能否有缘在地铁相遇,本片配上张国荣一曲monica ,风靡一时。
The chinese title for this romance is " destiny " , which is fitting because it features maggie cheung man - yuk , leslie cheung , anita mui winner of the hong kong film best supporting actress award for her performance long before they became icons 张曼玉和张国荣走入地铁,搭上不同列车,考验双方能否有缘在地铁相遇,本片配上张国荣一曲monica ,风靡一时。
From a commercial standpoint , it is not hard to understand why lee would want to add this romance sub - plot , but for the sake of the movie itself , i guess most audience would rather want to see more of bong s training journey , or even a little more depiction of his antagonist tank than this highly pretentious love affair 从商业角度来看,笔者能够理解编导加插主角恋情副线的动机,但若单以戏剧效果而论,把这段无关痛痒的爱情戏删去,而转为主攻阿邦的奋斗历程,甚至加深反派角色tank安志杰的著墨,看来会更好看。